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Minggu, 28 Agustus 2016

Wolrd's Must be Legalize a Biggamy Marriage as an Alternative Solution for Bisexuality!!

Biggamy Can be an Alternative Solution for Bisexuality

Biggamy Must be  Legalize in Our Worlds as an Additional of Marriage Variation in Our Worlds!!

Biggamy are Differents with Polygamy!!

World's Must be Receive and World's Must be Legalize Biggamy for Our World's Right Now!!

As we know that many country in our world today has been legalize same sex marriage. on same sex community that is called LGBT and the parts of LGBT that is Point "B" who called Bisexuallity that is a man or woman can dating with same gender of can dating different gender.

About that I get inspired to give a suggestion for an altenative solution for bisexuality that is biggamy marriage, so the straight man  can marriage with two lesbian/bisexual women at the same time and the straight womens can marriage with two gay man at the same time. so the benefit that is for a gay man and benefit is for lesbian womens too and the benefit is for straight man or straight womens too that if the gay man and the lesbian women who choose practice biggamy marriage so a lesbian/bisexual women can marriage a man without leave her lesbian/bisexual couple and the gay man who choose biggamy marriage so a gay man/bisexual can marriage a women without leave him gay couple and having benefit too for straight man and straight womens and the other benefit of biggamy marriage that is the gay/bisexual man can having a child without adoption and the bisexual women who choose biggamy marriage can be pregnant withour sperm donor and their children can having a biological mother or havinga biological father and many benefits of biggamy marriage for an alternative solution for bisexuality.

but biggamy marriage is without coercion, so everybody who gay or lesbian they can choose sams sex marriage only but the everybody who want to marriage with different gender couple and want to marriage same gender couple and having a biological mother or biological father for their childrens, they can choose a biggamy marriage. but before practice a biggamy marriage, they must make a deal each other previously before marriage biggamy and then after practice a biggamy marriage if the two lesbian wives only focused on her lesbian couple, so the husband who are a straight man can dating other womens again or marriage other womens again without divorce him two lesbian/bisexual wives and then after the two gay/bisexual husband after practice biggamy marriage they only focesed on him gay couple, so the wifes who as a straight women can dating other man again or marriage other man again  without divorce her two gay/bisexual husbands.

 Only that,  so,  In my opinion, that is a good thing if worlds would be accept and would be legalize a biggamy marriage as an alternave solution for bisexuality and world should be legalize a biggamy marriage.

This article not itent for breaking same sex marriage in our world, but biggamy marriage as a new additional variaton of marriage in our worlds mainly for Bisexuality People's

Thanks You

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